I am a third generation ‘soaper’. My great grandfather the late Horace Wilson was a soap maker on the island of Ragged Island, The Bahamas Descendants . I was told he made and sold soap to the parishioners. I never knew him but I had this desire about 17 years ago to learn. I was so delighted to be told by my mother and aunts that their grandfather was a soap maker.
However, not one child or grandchild learnt the art and skill. The grave is the richest place in the world 🌎 as so much talent is buried there. We think if we share it is going to hinder our blessings, when in fact our blessings are hindered by not sharing.
I have been sharing soap making for about 11 years now and I am happy to share. It has been a blessing to me and now I wish to bless you.
Join the challenge.
You can purchase your tools here on Something Better Today
Here I am below teaching my granddaughter. She will be a 4th generation ‘SOAPER’
The video below is from my son Vince and his wife Alicia, they are also ‘SOAPERS’.
An opportunity! FUN DIY ACTIVITY FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Something Better Today