I was reading an article about the many qualities that make ordinary people extraordinary. The first quality noted on the list was the definite aim, vision, and purpose. It said that successful people were constantly seeking clarity in their lives. They have a clear sense of direction that gives them the ability to stay on course. Do you know your purpose in life? Not just in the way of what you do in your profession, or in your role as a spouse, sibling, or parent. The question is, do you know why you are here? Why you’ve been placed on this earth, and what God has ordained for you to accomplish while here?
I love the example of purpose Jesus clearly identified regarding himself while here on earth. He made it clear that he knew why he was here. Right after he was tempted in the wilderness, he went into the synagogue and opened the book, and stood up to read. He said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.” Not only did Jesus know why he was here, but he was very successful as He carried out His purpose. He accomplished the very things he was sent here to do. Matthew 4:23 said that Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. A personal reading of the gospels speaks volumes about this reality and his amazing successes over and over again.
But how did Jesus actually accomplish all of this? John 5:30 tells us that Jesus was well aware that he could do nothing in and of himself. He didn’t seek his will but the will of His Father in heaven. He was completely dependent on God the Father. He was focused.
Jesus is our example in all things. He came to this earth to show us how to live and how to be successful as we do so. He loved people, and He loved his Father in heaven. He understood implicitly Matthew 22:37 and bids us love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind and our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus loved deeply and we are reminded to love as He loved. (1John 4:7)
In some of his final words, John 17:4 Jesus says that He finished the work which His Father in heaven gave Him to do. Talk about confidence. He knew why he was here, depended on His Father in heaven to accomplish everything, loved His father in Heaven supremely, and loved others. Then He was honest with himself and could confidently assess himself and say that He did what He came here to do and was finished. Wow. Talk about successful purpose.
I am a long way from being like Jesus, but I have prayed over the years for purpose and the Lord has year by year shown me why I’m here and what I need to do while I am. I am not here to just take up space! I have been shown, among other things that one of my purposes in this life is to be a serious, intentional intercessor. And it isn’t about ME. My prayers mean nothing except that I am dependent completely on the power and efficacy of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and what He says about the power of prayer in His word. I have no doubt about that purpose and it has given me so much joy and meaning. Everyday. What a glorious blessing! Why not pray about your purpose today?
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